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Polk Street School

960 Polk Avenue

Franklin Square, NY 11010

Phone: (516) 352-6300 / Fax: (516) 326-3794

  *To report an absence, please call the Nurse: (516) 326-3780

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PSS Hosts Gingerbread Decorating

Polk Street School hosted a gingerbread decorating activity. thumbnail263392

To celebrate the holiday season and encourage time spent with family, Polk Street School hosted a gingerbread decorating activity with second graders and their families on Dec. 18.

To prepare for the activity, the second grade classes read gingerbread-themed books, including “The Gingerbread Girl” by Lisa Campbell Ernst.  

Each student received a gingerbread person, generously made by a parent, to decorate with frosting, candy and marshmallows.

Click here to view the PSS Hosts Gingerbread Decorating slideshow.

Date Added: 12/20/2024

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