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Voter Information


New Updated information March 25, 2024
FS Budget and Election Legal Notice

FS Budget and Election Legal Notice - Spanish

Voter Information - Spanish Version

 Residents are eligible to register to vote if they are:
• over 18 years of age,
• a United States citizen, and
• a resident of the Franklin School District for at least 30 days at the time of the election.

Registration: Voter registration shall take place year-round between 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. weekdays, when school is in session, in the District Clerk's office at the Washington Street School, except during the five days prior to any school district election.

Residents who are registered may vote in any school district election if they:
• voted at or registered to vote for a school district election during the last four years
• are validly registered to vote with the Nassau County Board of Elections

The Franklin Square School District is divided into three school election districts. Registered voters must vote at the building within their election district as determined by their street address.

Voting locations are:
• School #1: John Street School
• School #2: Polk Street School
• School #3 Washington Street School

Absentee Ballots: The application for an Absentee Ballot is posted on the website for your convenience. An original signature is required. Therefore, you must submit this application via regular mail or in person to receive a ballot. Your application will not be accepted via e-mail or fax. Absentee ballots can only be delivered to the applicant. Please be sure to complete the application. Be sure the mailing address is clear, your name and home address are clear, and that you are in fact a registered voter.

The application must be received by the District Clerk at least seven days prior to the election, if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter; or the application must be received by the day before the election, if the ballot is to be personally picked-up. The application must be completed and returned, and the individual must verify therein that he/she meets all voting requirements, and explain the reason for his/her inability to appear in person.

Laura Langstrand, Voting Coordinator

Franklin Square Union Free School District
760 Washington Street Franklin Square, NY 11010
516-481-4100 ext. 3311


Application for Absentee Ballot

Application for Absentee Ballot - Spanish

Early Voting Application

Early Voting Application - Spanish


Military Voter Information

Military Voter Registration Application

Military Voter Registration Application - Spanish

Military Application for Absentee Ballot