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Washington Street School

760 Washington Street. Franklin Square NY 11010
Phone 516-481-4100
Fax 516-505-6991


Principal: Mr. John Stella
Assist. Principal: Mr. Dominic Gobbo
Secretary: Louanne Milone
Secretary: Lisa Falcone
Nurse: Mrs. Jeanne Reifler

School phone: 516-505-6995
School fax: 516-505-6991
For reporting a student absence: 
Call (516) 505-6970

Transportation Dept: Call (516) 481-4100 x3700


The faculty, staff and students welcome you to the Washington Street School website.  We invite you to explore through the site to learn about our school and our community.  As we like to say,

      We Learn, We Care, We Are . . . Washington Street School!



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WSS Pre-K Students Experiment with Color and Rainbows

Washington Street School pre-K students in Ms. Balzano’s class learned about primary colors and created their own rainbows during a Kide Science lesson. thumbnail264957
Washington Street School pre-K students in Ms. Balzano’s class learned about primary colors and created their own rainbows during a Kide Science lesson. thumbnail264958
Washington Street School pre-K students in Ms. Balzano’s class learned about primary colors and created their own rainbows during a Kide Science lesson. thumbnail264959
Washington Street School pre-K students in Ms. Balzano’s class learned about primary colors and created their own rainbows during a Kide Science lesson on March 12.

Last September, the district’s pre-K classes began utilizing the Finnish educational platform, which offers interactive STEAM lessons to children ages 3-8. Every lesson begins with a story to engage the students, and the stories take place in the fictional world of Supraland, with characters like Hoseli the Robot and Kelvin.

After receiving a letter from Kelvin describing a “strange arc of colors” in the sky following a rainstorm, the students donned their lab coats and “traveled” to Supraland to explore further.

Using pipettes, the students placed droplets of red, blue and yellow-colored water onto a diagram. They then placed a sheet of paper-towel over their droplets. As the colors meshed, the students created their own rainbow artwork.

To conclude the lesson, the class discussed the colors found in the rainbow and how primary colors can mix to create other colors.


Date Added: 3/17/2025

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